Message from Jane Olson, PPC

Hi all, for those I don’t know yet, I’m Jane Olson and I’ve been a member of St. Charles for a little over ten years.

In the below post, you’ll find Fr. Bill’s weekly commentary on the first reading from the Old Testament. I also wanted to draw inspiration from Ezekiel for this note. But, honestly, the Old Testament has never spoken to me the way the New Testament does (too much fire and brimstone, of which we have plenty these days). So, I moved on to the second reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Bingo. “But if Christ is in you… the Spirit is alive because of righteousness.” (Rom. 8:10)

At this awful time with almost constant news of life and death, I am so grateful the spirit is alive — living and moving in our community, our parish, our families, and our friends. Those connections, the life of the Spirit, is how we know we’re not alone.

Our parish community is an amazing blessing. We have parishioners available to help pick up groceries, prescriptions, or do other errands. If you or anyone you know would like some assistance, please contact the rectory. While the office is closed, Blanca and Fr. Bill are still available by phone.

The Parish Pastoral Council (“PPC”) continues to look for ways to keep our spiritual community connected. Join us again this Wednesday at noon to say the rosary. We are streaming the Sunday Mass at 11:15 AM. During Holy Week, we will hold an online weekday morning prayer group to say the Liturgy of the Hours. We will announce further plans for the Triduum next week. Please let us know any feedback you have or suggestions for services or events you’re feeling a need for now.

Let us pray for our healthcare workers, grocery workers, delivery people, and others working to keep us functioning while the world turns upside down. And, let’s also continue to pray for each other and keep the Spirit alive.

Your brothers and sisters in Christ,

Jane Olson on behalf of the Parish Pastoral Council:
Donna Whiteford, Francis Chin, Kerin Coughlin, Carol DeSantis Price, Josephine Dongbang, Mike McGowan, Phil Murray, Jane Olsen