2011 Annual Catholic Appeal

The 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal theme is One Bread, One Body – One Vibrant Church. The appeal allows us to focus in a sincere and generous giving of ourselves, without counting the cost, through which we discover our true identity and our deepest unity.

The bond of charity is strengthened among us, as we see the hope of many people renewed because of our generous support of the Appeal. When we give of ourselves, we become completely “one body in Christ.”
In 2010 80% of St Charles Borromeo parishioners contributed to the Annual Catholic Appeal. During this season of Almsgiving can we count on your support of the 2011 Appeal?

Any funds over our goal of $25,814 (the Parish share of the Appeal) will be given back to the Parish to assist with the conversion of the former convent which will become our Parish Center/rectory. Both the Diocese and the Parish will benefit from your Lenten sacrifice. Please pledge your donation for the 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal!