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Church Open for Private Prayer on Tuesday, May 26

In accordance with the recent announcement by Bishop DiMarzio, St. Charles will be open for private prayer and devotion this coming Tuesday, May 26 between 11 AM and 1 PM. The following protocols must be followed in accordance with the diocese’s guidance:

Fr. Smith is hearing confessions at the rectory. Please contact him to arrange a mutually convenient time.

This is Phase 1 of a multi-phase diocesan plan that will ultimately lead to the resumption of Mass based on government regulations for public gatherings.  Please contact the rectory with any questions.

We hope this provides an outlet for spiritual nourishment as we move towards a full reopening.  A regular schedule for private prayer in the church will be announced soon.

Volunteers Needed:

We are seeking volunteers to help facilitate the private prayer hours by ensuring that we adhere to no more than 10 people at a time in the church and that visitors use hand sanitizer and wear masks, and wiping down pews after use. If you are able to assist, please let us know which days and which times you would be available during Monday through Friday, 11 AM to 1 PM.

Once we are allowed to resume public Masses, we will need more ushers and greeters given the enhanced health and safety protocols. We will not be able to resume public Masses until the Diocese of Brooklyn determines it is safe to do so. However, we want to ensure that we are prepared when that day comes.

If you are interested in serving either during private prayer hours or once public Masses resume, please email Jane Olson,

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