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A  Christian Steward is defined as “One who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others and returns them with increase to the Lord.

Stewardship’s ultimate goal at St Charles Borromeo is the spiritual renewal of parishioners through gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Stewardship provides and opportunity to prayerfully consider God’s gifts to each of us, and to make an offering of time, talent and treasure to our own parish as well our larger Catholic community.

As Catholics, we are called to prayerfully reflect on our Baptismal promise to follow Jesus and to be an example of Christian stewardship for others to follow.

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits of all you produce; then will your barns be filled with grain, with new wine your vats will overflow.  – Proverbs 3:9

What do you want your Parish to be?

Do you always feel good? Is there anything you can change about the parish?

Everyone has talents. You don’t have to be the world’s greatest singer, speaker or teacher, or world’s greatest anything to have talents. You probably have talents you don’t even know about – just waiting for you to try them out. Never been a committee chairperson? Try it out. Never sung in a choir? Try it out. Old dogs can learn new tricks! Seek out a variety of tasks, not just the same old one you have been doing. Talents are those things we do well.

Serve through Worship. Help with services. For instance, be a Greeter, Minister of Hospitality, Committee member, or join the Music Ministry. Help with liturgical celebrations. Assist in set-up and clean-up for special services and events. Develop your prayer life, both at home and at church. Worship often with a community of believers.

Serve  through parish programs…music, education, stewardship, evangelization. Be active in the life of the church. Seek out fellowship within the church.  Help sustain the church through fund-raising.


We, as a parish, have been blessed by the Lord in so many ways. It begins with our Eucharistic celebration and extends to our community of faith. Finances are obviously very important to support our ministry. We appreciate the generous support we receive from you, our parishioners. As Catholics, we recognize that all we have – our time, our talents, our resources, even our very lives – is a gift from God.

We are called to be good stewards of all these gifts, investing them wisely and generously for the sake of God’s Kingdom. We know that our Lord’s promise is to “Seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness,” and all these things shall be yours as well.

A gift of treasure to St. Charles Borromeo Church supports the operating budget of our own faith community. The parish offertory is your first gift which goes to pay the day-to-day operating expenses of the parish.

How can I give to St.  Charles?
Please visit our Donate page to make a one-time donation.

A collection is taken during each weekend Mass. If you would like Offertory envelopes and are not currently receiving them, please contact the Parish Office at (718) 625-1177.

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