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Strategic Planning Update

Dear Parish Family of St. Charles Borromeo Church,

This letter is a brief update to the information that we provided to you on Sunday, March 21 regarding the strategic planning process underway in the diocese and at each parish in the diocese, including St. Charles.  In the March 21 letter, we provided an overview of the spiritual and social activity at the parish.  On the following Sundays we published the survey questions on pastoral life and the mission of our parish (see below) that we would like parishioners to respond to at meetings that will be held after all Masses on Sunday, April 18 and Sunday, April 25.

Parish Survey Questions

1. What are the greatest signs of vibrancy and life that you see in our parish?

2. What is the greatest strength of our parish?

3. What do you see as the greatest challenges the parish faces and that we will need to address in the future?

4. What are the greatest resources of our parish?  What resources are needed most in our parish?

5. What are the biggest critical concerns in the wider neighborhood that the church must address?

6. What is your hope for our parish in the coming years?

As promised, outlined on the reverse side of this letter is the update to the financial information that was shared with the parish during the 2009 Increased Giving Campaign.  These financials include a forecast of revenue and expenses for 2010 based on the actual first six months of our 2010 fiscal year. As shown in the financial statement, there are several major church renovations that are needed and we would like to discuss options for how best to fund the $1,359,967 cost of those renovations.

In addition, the process to identify a long-term tenant for the school is ongoing. Once we successfully engage a tenant, as part of the leasing agreement there are a number of repairs/renovations that the parish will be required to undertake on the exterior of the school building.  The cost of those repairs/renovations (e.g., new windows, repointing the brick, new roof) is estimated at $3.2 million and would require the parish to take out a loan.  Importantly, leasing of the school will allow the parish to monetize this asset and help to stabilize the parish finances.

Finally, we were all so pleased by the number of parishioners and visitors that attended the Holy Week and Easter services here at St. Charles.  If you have any comments on what worked well and what might be improved please let us know.

Your feedback is critical to the future of St. Charles.  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend one of the meetings that we will hold after all Masses on Sunday, April 18 and Sunday, April 25.

Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Pastoral Council, Parish Trustees, and Parish Finance Committee

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